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Product Quotation Policy

1. Quotes are Firm

We offer our very best price on our first quotation.


2. Written Form:

Quotations from Pacific Marine and Industrial, except for standard stock items under the $300 limit, will be completed in writing by fax or by email unless otherwise requested by the person requesting the quote.


3. Item and Price:

Quotations will include the product part number, description, quantity to be ordered and price for each unit.


Prices vary with quantity.  If the order quantity is different from the quote quantity the product price may be increased or decreased depending.


4. Discount Policy:

Our prices are firm and fixed.

We are aware that in many parts of the world it is customary for companies to give a high price and then to negotiate price at the time of the order.  


It is the policy of Pacific Marine and Industrial to offer our very best price on the first quotation.  Having given our very best price it is not possible to lower price at the time of the order.


5. Incoterms:

Usually FOB (free on board) which means price includes packaging of product and loading of product onboard vehicle transporting product at given location.


(Example) FOB: Richmond, CA, US


Any freight costs associated with the shipment from the FOB point are the responsibility of the customer.


Other Incoterms include:

EXW: Ex Works (given location)

FAS: Free Alongside Ship

CFR: Cost and Freight (given location)

CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight (given location)

DDU: Delivery Duty Unpaid (given location)


6. Delivery:

An estimate of the time it will take for the product to be ready for shipment will be provided.  The lead time provided is an estimate only and not a guarantee that product will be ready.  Pacific Marine & Industrial has no liability in the event of product shipment delay caused by either error or unexpected circumstance.


Example: Delivery: 3-4 weeks


If product is currently ready for delivery, the delivery block will be marked "stock".


Stock product is sold on a first come, first serve basis.  Stock product is subject to the previous orders of other companies and is not a guarantee that product will still be available at the time of an order.


7. Terms:

Terms of payment for the given order.

See PM&I Credit Policy and Application



Terms: Net 30 days or Terms: Credit Card or Terms: Wire Transfer


8. Validity:

The time that the quote is valid for.  Usually 30 days

If the quote has expired it is not guaranteed that the quote is still valid and must be re-quoted.



Validity: at least 30 days


9. Dimensions and Weight:


As freight costs are based on dimensions and weight, these will be given with each quotation unless they can be found easily at


At the request of the person or company requesting the quote freight costs will be given for shipment of given product to any location in the world.


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