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Product Delivery Time and Freight Policy

1.  All quotations from Pacific Marine and Industrial will include the time it will take for delivery.
(Example)  Delivery: 2-3 weeks plus shipping time
2.  If the product is available for immediate shipment the delivery time will be noted as "stock".
3.  If product is not available for immediate shipment, the time for delivery given is an estimate only and not a guarantee of delivery in that time frame.  Actual delivery may be sooner or later than the estimate given.
4.  We will do our very best to make delivery within the estimated delivery time, however, because there are many uncertainties in the production of materials, Pacific Marine and Industrial will not be held responsible for the damages that might result from the shipment of any product that takes place after the estimate given on our quotation.
5.  All quotations from Pacific Marine and Industrial will also be marked with location of the product and incoterms.
(Example) FOB: Richmond, CA, US
Any freight costs associated with the shipment from the FOB point are the responsibility of the customer.
Incoterms include:
EXW: Ex Works (given location, freight and packing at additional cost)
FAS: Free Alongside Ship
CFR: Cost and Freight (given location)
CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight (given location)
DDU: Delivery Duty Unpaid (given port or airport)

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