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Company Profile and History

Corporate Headquarters PM&I Richmond, CA 94801
PM&I Headquarters: Sales & Engineering Office and Warehouse: Richmond, CA, USA
  Since 1985, Quality Pacific Manufacturing, Inc. under the registered service mark of Pacific Marine and Industrial,
has both manufactured and distributed the highest quality marine, industrial and defense related equipment products
on a world wide basis, for private, commercial and government organizations.
Pacific Marine & Industrial is registered with the US Government:
- Cage Code: 3HP22 and SAM UEI C221PQMU9CN3
- US Department of State: Office of Defense Trade Controls: REG #M37294
- Joint Certification Program: Military Critical Technical Data Agreement
- Certified Veteran Owned Small Business
Pacific Marine & Industrial has had the pleasure to serve the very top Global Companies, Militaries and Governments
as well as a vast range of companies and organizations such as yours:
List of Select PM&I Clients
Products ship from different locations based on the item and the needs of the customer.
PM&I Corporate Headquarters:
Sales & Engineering Office & Warehouse
Richmond, California, USA

Additional Distribution Warehouses:
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Ense, Germany
Shanghai, China

Additional Manufacturing Locations:
United States
South Korea
Mr. Charles M. Walther, Former Engineering Executive at Crowley Maritime
Mr. Peter Blaich, Former Chief Executive Officer NVOCC Topman Express Lines

Current General Manager:

Kent R. Brown


Mr. Brown has a Math degree from the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1989, is a Graduate of the US Navy Propulsion Engineering Class (Gas Turbine) and earned his qualification to operate Naval Gas Turbine Propulsion Plants (Spruance type) as well as associated Generators, Waste Heat Boilers, Fuel and Auxiliary systems for the U.S. Navy.  In addition Mr. Brown earned his Surface Warfare Officer's pin. 


Mr. Brown has been in the Marine Industry since July 2, 1985, has been associated with Pacific Marine & Industrial since leaving the US Navy in 1993 and has been the President of Pacific Marine & Industrial since April of 2000.

Kent R. Brown - Pacific Marine & Industrial
Kent R. Brown
General Manager
April 2000 to Present

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Quality Pacific Manufacturing, Inc.
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