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Credit Policy and Terms

1.  Pacific Marine and Industrial offers to set up on credit account
customers the meet all of the following qualifications:

- Located in the USA or Canada (Exceptions noted in section 3 below)
- Have been in operation a minimum of 5 years
- A member of the Marine or Industrial Industries
- Have the potential to purchase from PM&I on a regular basis
- Have fully completed at least 1 order with Pacific Marine & Industrial on a prepaid basis
2.  Should a company be qualified for credit terms and be approved by the PM&I accounting department, credit terms offered will be net 30 days from date of shipment which will also be the invoice date.
3.  The following US and Canadian organizations have
automatic credit terms with Pacific Marine & Industrial.  Organizations of these types outside the US and Canada will be approved credit subject to the review of the management at Pacific Marine & Industrial:
- Public traded companies that are listed on major stock exchange
- Government organizations such as Federal, State, Province, Counties and Cities
- Public schools and universities
- Very large privately held companies
4. Some projects require prepayment even if a customer is set up with payment terms:
- Custom made to order products
- Overly large quantities of stock products
- Some projects that have international delivery locations
5.  Customers that are not set up with PM&I on credit terms can make payment in the following manner:
 - credit card (see section 6 below)
- check in advance
- wire transfer
 - letter of credit (see section 5 below)
6.  Pacific Marine and Industrial will accept payment by letter of credit at the request of the purchaser for orders of value $20,000 USD (or equivalent in other currency) and greater.  All bank charges associated with the order will be at the expense of the applicant.  See our Letter of Credit Policy.
7.  Credit card policy:
Credit cards will be accepted on all orders if desired by the customer.
Most credit cards types are accepted. 
Credit card payments will be made by the customer via our Credit Card Processing Portal hosted by PayPal.

- Credit card fees:

- Orders under $5,000.00 USD (or equivalent value) no fee
- Orders over $5,000.00 USD (or equivalent value) will have a 3% fee
- All international credit card transactions will have a 4% fee
8.  If a company has not placed an order with Pacific Marine & Industrial within 2 years, they must resubmit their credit application and references to reestablish credit with Pacific Marine & Industrial.
9.  All orders over $20,000.00 USD or equivalent value in other currency are subject to additional credit approval by the General Manager of Pacific Marine & Industrial.
10.  Pacific Marine & Industrial reserves the right to decline credit terms for any reason and to any company or organization.

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