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Industrial Heavy Duty Hose Reel & Cable Reel

Portable Cable Reel

AVC1500 Series

Audio Video Portable Cable Storage Reel

AVC1500 audio video cable reel

avc1520-17-18 audio video cable reel
AVC1500 AVC1520-17-18
Standard Configuration Shown Shown With Options:
  Slotted Divider Disc
  Heavy-duty casters
  Carry handles

Caster Extension Brackets

Standard direct crank. Permanently attached.
Manual rewind models, spring actuated pin-lock, Cam-lock drag brake.
Non-reflective black matte finish.

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Heavy duty locking caster wheel set, includes 2 locking and 2 non-locking casters with mounting plates. P/N 9949.0075

 Frame mounted carry handles. P/N 9955.0023

Divider discs available with a cut-out. (Note: the disc location must be specified).

avc1500 audio video cable reels drawing
acv1500 audio video cable storage reels chart
avc1500 audio video cable storage reels notes

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