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Industrial Heavy Duty Hose Reel & Cable Reel

Power Cord Reels

AT1300 and 4300 Portable Cable Reel

For Live Electric Cable

portable cable reel AT1300

model 4300AL portable cabel reel hand truck


4300 AL

Portable Cable Reel On Wheels

P/N 9906.0795

Hand Truck Portable Hose and Cable Reels


For Live Electric and Other Cable


Industrial Maintenance




Grounds Maintenance


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Model AT1300.

• Removable direct crank rewind reel.

• Adjustable Cam-lock drag brake.

• 3 conductor 45 amp collector ring is standard.

• 6-foot power source lead of 10/3 cable.

• 15 amp 3-prong straight blade (twist lock optional).

• Additional conductors available, consult factory.

• Direct offset rewind crank.


Model 4300-AL

• For portability of hose and cable reels.

• Large pneumatic tires.

• Reel permanently attached.

• Overall dimensions will vary according to the reel model used.

• Hand truck, axle and wheels shipped separately for customer installation.

Specify if reel axis is perpendicular or parallel to truck axle.


portable cable reel AT1300 drawing


portable cable reel at1300 chart


portable cable reel at1300 notes


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