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Winches and Hoists

Marine, Industrial, Light Industrial, Portable, Utility

electric winches and hoists

Pneumatic Winch and Hoist: WA-220 Tugger

hydraulic winches and hoists 

Electric Winches and Hoists

Pneumatic Winches and Hoists

Hydraulic Winches and Hoists

Up to 90 Tons Line Pull

Up to 22,000 Lbs. Capacity and Larger

Up to 160,000 lbs Line Pull

Any Power Supply

Planetary and Worm Gear

Winches, Hoists, Recovery Winches



Hand Winch and Hand Hoist

barge winches 

Winches and Hoists: Chain Hoists

Hand Winch and Hand Hoist

Barge Winches and Connectors

Chain Hoists and Come Along 

Up to 15 Tons Capacity

Manual and Electric

Electric Chain Hoist 

Winching or Hoisting

Manual Winches to 90 Tons Holding

Manual and Lever Chain Hoist

Various Configurations

 Electric Winches to 90 Tons Holding

.25 to 50 Metric Tons Hoist Capacity


David Crane Hoist

Wire Rope Puller

Davit Cranes 

Wire Rope Puller

Electric and Manual I Beam Trolley

Heavy and Light Industrial 

Up to 5400 KG Rated 

0.5 to 30 Metric Tons Capacity

Any Application 

Up to 8000 KG Pulling Capacity

Electric, Chain and Push Operated

Electric, Pneumatic, Hydraulic 

Includes 20 Meter of Wire with Hook  Width Adjustable to the Beam

or Manual Operated 


Ship Anchor Chain Windlass

Marine Towing Winches

ship mooring winches

Ship Anchor Chain Windlass

Marine Towing Winches 

Marine Ship Mooring Winches

Single or Double

Line Pull to 500,000 lbs. 

Combination Anchor and Mooring

and Combination Anchor & Mooring

Electric or Hydraulic

Electric or Hydraulic

Electric or Hydraulic




Ship Assist Winches - Ship Docking - Barge Handling - Escort Service

I beam crane hoist

hydraulic power pack

Marine Ship Assist Winches

I Beam Crane Hoists 

Hydraulic Power Packs 

Ship Assist & Docking

Electric, Hydraulic, Pneumatic 

Electric or Diesel 

Barge Handling Escort Service

Various Line Pull and Speed 

Up to 90 GPM and Larger 

Up to 250,000 lbs. Line Pull

Skid Mounted or Modular



winch and hoist drive gearbox

hydraulic swing drive gearbox

MyTe Winch

Track Drive Gearboxes

Swing Drive Gearbox

MyTe Winch

44,254– 81,132 ft-lb

20,000–110,000 lb-in.

Portable Low Capacity

60,000 N·m–110,000 N·m

2,260–12,428 N·m

Winch Hoist and Capstan

 Output torque range

Output torque range

I Beam Cranes, Loop Drives


How to Size a Winch


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Home ] Up ] Marine Airbags ] Aluminum Hull Boat Fittings ] Ship Anchors ] Anchor Shackles ] Bitts - Ship Mooring Bitts ] Capstans - Marine ] Cargo Securing ] Chain - Ship Anchor Chain & Mooring Chain ] Chain Stopper for Marine Mooring ] Chocks - Ship Panama Chocks ] Container Lashing Bridge ] Deck Fittings ] Fairleads, Guide Rollers and Sheaves ] Marine Fender ] Furniture Marine ] Hardware Marine NSN Products ] Hatches, Doors and Windows (Exterior) ] Hydraulic Power Pack ] Lights: Glamox Commercial Industrial Marine ] Mooring Equipment ] Panels, Partitions and Doors ] Quick Release Towing Hooks ] Ro-Ro Ship Vehicle Ramps ] Ship Scuppers ] Seals and Gasket ] Shipping Container Parts ] Shipping Containers For Sale ] Smit Bracket ] Stainless Steel Hardware ] Storage Steel Bins and Racks ] Towing Shark Jaws ] [ Winches and Hoists ]

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