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Low Profile Electric Barge Winch

HL Series Drum Capacities

25HL - 10 3/4" drum diameter    50HL - 12 3/4" drum diameter    75 HL - 16" drum diameter
Length Drum capacity (ft.) Length Drum capacity (ft.) Length Drum capacity (ft.)
(in.) 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" (in.) 7/8" 1" 1 1/8" 1 1/4" (in.) 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 1 3/8" 1 1/2"
9* 248 162 142 88 11* 194 174 110 100 10* 119 108 98 56
17 479 314 277 174 20 377 338 216 197 19 247 225 207 119
34 975 643 568 359 41 773 694 445 408 40 523 478 441 254
51 1472 971 865 544 61 1168 1051 674 619 60 798 731 675 390
69 1969 1299 1151 729 82 1564 1407 903 830 81 1074 983 909 525

* Standard length of drum.

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