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Foam Filled Fender

Monopile Donut Marine Fender

Foam Filled Fender - Donut Fender

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Information Required to Quote Foam Filled Monopile Donut Fender


'Donut' style fenders are designed to float freely around a pile. This allows the fender to maintain the same attitude in the water even where extreme tidal fluctuations occur. The internal steel core of the fender is lined with plastic bearing pads, facilitating rotation of the fender around the pile.


Used as a turning dolphin, these fenders can help 'guide' vessels in difficult berthing situations by rotating while under compression. The closed-cell foam core and the deflection of the pile are the energy absorbing components of this fendering system.


Turning Dolphin

Corner Protection

Breasting Dolphin

Bridge and Pier Protection

High Tidal Fluctuations

Ferry Terminals


Foam Filled Fender  Foam Filled Fender - Donut Fender  Foam Filled Fender - Donut Fender

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