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Flush Cloverleaf Cargo Lashing Point

CA-E4 According to NavSea 804-1213717

Cargo Lashing Points: Flush Cloverleaf:  NavSea 804-1213717

Flush Lashing Pot CA-E4


317mm Diameter

44.5mm Inside Opening Width

Breaking Load: Tension: 317 KN
Working Load: Tension: 159 KN


3/4 Flush Type Deck Socket

According to NAV SEA Drawing 804-1213717

With Exception of Cast Bowl, Forged Bowl on Special Order


Counter Part is the Elephants Foot or the Speed Lash with Elephants Foot.


Type and Class Approved on Request


Cargo Lashing Points: Flush Cloverleaf:  NavSea 804-1213717  Cargo Lashing Points: Flush Cloverleaf:  NavSea 804-1213717
Rubber Cover for CA-E4 Cloverleaf Foundation
Cargo Lashing Points: Flush Cloverleaf:  NavSea 804-1213717


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