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Cargo Lashing Chain

16, 13, 11 and 9 mm Lashing Chains

CB-D1 Chain

cargo lashing chain
Example Lashing Chain Assembly

Chain Lashing With or Without Hooks


Information Needed to Quote Chain Lashings 



Length as desired


Chain Size as Desired:

Chain Size Breaking Load
16mm 30.5 Ton
13mm (Standard) 20 Ton
11mm 15 Ton
9mm 10.2 Ton
End Fittings:
Pin Hook or Shallow Eye Hook or Elephants Foot or Jaw or Blank Chain End as Desired

Painted with Color (Red Standard) as Desired

or Galvanized


Sample Drawing:
13mm Long Link Chain Shown with CB-D1/03 Pin Hook Each End
13mm long link cargo lashing chain with hooks


cargo securing chains with hooks Cargo Lashing Chain and Hooks cargo securing elephants foot
Shallow Eye Hook  Chain Hook with Pin Elephants Foot

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