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How To Install 3490 Type Aircraft Tie Down

how to install aircraft tie down in cement
Method 1:
1) Place the mooring eyes on sub grade and fill with sand to exclude concrete (6000 psi concrete recommended) . Pour the concrete and finish operation. Sand is easily washed out when paving is completed. 
The mooring points, 3490 and 3490-A have ½” holes on the sides for reinforcing rebar rods. The 3490-B has 1-1/8” holes. Rebar can be threaded thru these holes if desired.
2) Bring to grade using a wood or metal stake inserted into the socket opening at bottom of Mooring Eye. Square socket design prevents displacement while concrete is being poured and, if required, the hole provides drainage to the subgrade after Mooring Eye is in place.
Method 2:
1) Push the Mooring Eye in position into wet concrete.
Aircraft Grounding Rods

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