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Wire Rope Puller PDSL-TW5400

5400 KG Rated and 8000 KG Pulling Capacity

Wire Rope Puller 5400 KG PDSL-TW5400 

Wire Rope Puller PDSL-TW5400

5400 KG Rated and 8000 KG Pulling Capacity


Simple structure and powerful function

Fast and easy installation

Simple to feed in or remove the wire rope

Continuous operation without snatching

Easily change from forward to reverse operation by changing the operating handle to opposite lever

Works in any position horizontal, vertical or angled

The length of the wire rope is not limited

Standard length of steel wire rope is 20 meters but custom length are available on request

Each winch is tested to 1.5 times of the rated capacity.

The jaws and connecting axle have been quenched

 The modules have been electroplated


Chassis: High strength 104 aluminum alloy


Shell: Spray, standard for sand gray, color can be customized

Jaw blocks: 40Cr with suitable hardness that does not damage the wire rope

Wire rope: Hot dip galvanized 6x19W+IWR, 20mm, 20 meters long standard (can be customized)

Wire rope hook:

Standard American eye hook of material 35CrMo, high tensile strength.

Swivel hook or European hook can be used as required


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