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Amphibious Ship Well Deck Batterboard

and Synthetic Decking 

Synthetic Batterboard: US Navy: CID A-A-59001

Synthetic Decking: US Navy: CID A-A-59488


Synthetic Batterboard: CID A-A-59001 and Synthetic Decking: CID A-A-59488  Synthetic Batterboard: CID A-A-59001 and Synthetic Decking: CID A-A-59488 


Meets the rigid requirements defined by Naval Sea Systems Command in two Commercial Item Descriptions (CID)

Synthetic Batterboard: According to CID A-A-59001

Synthetic Decking: According to CID A-A-59488


Thickness: Standard: 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 Inches / 63.5 to 88.9 mm 


PM&I’s Navy Board has a durable, non-skid surface. The panels typically range from 2 1/2" to 3 1/2" in thickness and have an "M" pattern in the bottom for weight reduction and drainage. Custom thicknesses and sizes are available. Manufactured panels are machined to the dimensional drawing provided by the Naval Architect prior to delivery to the ship yard.  In the past US Navy Ship well decks were lined with wooden timbers that would be a sacrificial surface to protect the interior walls and deck of the ship. Today, these timbers are being converted to this synthetic material that will last much longer due to increased durability of the material as compared to wood.


According to the Navy Ship Repair Facility installation of the Synthetic Decking has been a tremendous success.  The fabricated (pre-cut and pre drilled) decking panels fit precisely in the well deck according to plan. The installation team was very impressed. Panels manufactured by PM&I were flat which allowed them to install the material with less problems compared to installing other panels that had as much as a four to six inch bow.


Welded studs are positioned on the deck prior to the synthetic decking panels using a set of sophisticated templates to insure proper placemenof the panels.  Prior to the synthetic decking, wood was used which had a very short life due to the abuse the panels receive

from equipment on the deck as well as water damage.


Synthetic Batterboard: CID A-A-59001 and Synthetic Decking: CID A-A-59488


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