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Industrial Heavy Duty Hose Reel & Cable Reel

Retractable Grounding Reel

For Refueling or Hazardous Areas

Not For Use As A Lightning Ground Device

static grounding line reel HGR 50 with Y Branch

hose reel static grouding line HGR50

hose reel static grounding strap HGR100

Model HGR 50 With Y Branch

Model HGR 50

Model HGR 100

hose reel static grounding line MHGR50

hose reel static grounding strap GR75

hose reel static grounding line MGR75

Model MHGR50

Model GR75

Model MGR75


Aircraft Refueling

Chemical Plants

Grain Elevators

Rescue and HazMat Operations


Information Required to Quote Hose or Cable Reels


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These reels bond and/or ground aircraft, fuel trucks and other equipment.

Provide smooth operation and require minimum cable pull.

Declutching arbor and adjustable guide arm with cable guide.

Optional stainless steel construction of spool, frame & ratchet system available on HGR series.

Standard finish is oven-cured enamel.

Also available, manual rewind version.

All shown with optional cable and/or "Y" branch.

Available with 1/8", 7x19 galvanized carbon steel cable

100 amp Alligator Clamp.   

Stainless steel or plastic-covered cable and "Y" branches are available at an additional charge.

Cable guide arm of cast aluminum and 2A+12 Alum Zinc Alloy



Sealed spring is a good economical choice compact and lightweight.



A non-sparking ratchet assembly.

Reels are repairable and parts are readily available.

Supplied with 18" long grounding strap with eyelet connectors on both ends.


hose reel grounding line options


hose reel static grouding line drawing


hose reel static grounding line chart

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