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Navigational Aids to IALA Standards

LED Compact Lighthouse Beacon MBR 900L

LED Compact Lighthouse


The MBR 900L is our longest-range rotating beacon, fitted with high intensity and low-consumption LED

 luminous source. It is a compact major lighthouse, conceived to be powered by solar energy and

able to obtain up to 41 nautical miles.


This beacon is unique in the market, unmatched by any other commercial equipment.

It can even replace the longest-range conventional lighthouse.


 This equipment includes a redundant rotating system, our MRM 160 gearless and brushless double electronic

rotating motor, one working as standby of the main one. This feature lends it a great reliability and availability.


Its genuine design, as well as high-quality and resistant manufacturing

materials, provide an estimated lifespan of more than 25 years under the harshest marine conditions.


This beacon strictly meets IALA Recommendations.


LED Compact Lighthouse


LED Compact Lighthouse


Home ] Up ] LED Rotating Beacon MBR 300L ] Xenon Rotating Beacon MBR 300X ] Long Range Rotating Beacon MBR 400 ] Long Range LED Rotating Beacon MBR 400L ] Long Range LED Flashing Beacon MBL 400 ] Low Divergence LED Beacon MBL 400LD ] Long Range LED Flashing Beacon MBB 500 ] Long Range Rotating Beacon MBR 600 ] Long Range LED Rotating Beacon MBR 600L ] [ LED Compact Lighthouse Beacon MBR 900L ]

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