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Utility Portable Capstan Vertical Head

Utility Portable Capstan Winch


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Model 35-12 Portable Electric Capstan with VERTICAL HEAD and 12VDC Power and 1600 Lbs. Max Pull



• 800-lb single-line or 1,600-lb double-line lift

• 12 Volt permanent magnet motor

• Worm gear reduction for positive load holding

• Portable and rugged

• 10' pendant hand or foot control

• Capstan rope drum

• Frictionless bearings



Designed for material handling usage only.

Utility truck installation

Overhead line crews

Tower and antenna erection

Transformer replacement


Construction Features:

• Heavy-duty angle base drilled for four 1/2" bolts (9/16" mounting holes) with no welding required

• Fully sealed aluminum housings, with precision-cut gears, run in an oil bath

• Hardened steel worm and forged bronze worm gear holds load in position when stopped.

• Stress-proof drum shaft

• Frictionless bearings

• 175:1


Hoisting Rope:

Consult your local dealer for type and size of rope.

Maintain at least three wraps of rope on capstan drum when in use.

Heavier loads may require four wraps of rope.



• Reversible permanent magnet 12 Volt motor

• 10 amp – No load

• 100 amp – Full load



• 20 FPM: No-load drum speed

• 15 FPM: 500 lbs


Duty Cycle:

• 25% – 15 min/hr when operating at full load.


Shipping Weight: 66 lbs


Factory-Installed Options: (Email PM&I for Quotes)

• Foot switch

• High speed gears

• Pole mount

• Swivel mount

• Receiver hitch mount


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