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Container Stacking Cone

BC-G2/C Flanged Hanging Stacking Cone

Class Society Approved: ABS, DNV-GL, CCS and Others

Container Stacking Cone

Purchase ONLINE Small Quantities of the BC-G2 ISO Shipping Container Single Stacker


Flanged Hanging Single Stacker

Used Below the Hatch Cover Between Vertical Containers
Hangs from Container Above During Loading


1.98 Kg Weight Each


Type and Test Class Approved on Request


Counter Parts: Container Corner Castings


Container Stacking Cone

Download Complete Container and Cargo Securing Catalog with Drawings


Container Lashing Design: Ship or Barge


Cargo Securing Manual Approval By Class Society


Container Ship Hatch Covers and Lashing Bridges


How Do Container Ships Work?


Similar Design and Function Cross Reference:


MacGregor  SDL-4


German Lashings S1.43


Lucky Sea E1-12

SC Lashings

All Set C16A

TEC CI-50-1


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