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Braden Winch Parts

Pacific Marine and Industrial is an authorized distributor of Paccar brand products including:
- Braden Hydraulic Winches and Braden Hydraulic Hoists
- Gearmatic Hydraulic Winches and Gearmatic Hydraulic Hoists
- Carco Winch Authorized Dealers
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Braden Winch Parts

Braden Winch Parts

Braden Winch Parts

Planetary Hydraulic Braden Winch Parts

Planetary Hydraulic Braden Winch Parts

Hydraulic Construction Braden Winch Parts

BG Series

PD Series

CH Series

Smaller Pull and Wire Capacity

Medium Pull and Wire Capacity

Large Crane Applications

Smaller Applications 

Small to Medium Crane Application

Large Pull and Wire Capacity

3,000 to 8,000 lbs. line pull

Free Fall and Controlled Free Fall Available

16,500 to 64,000 lbs. line pull

Speed of 200 Feet Per Minute and Faster

7,000 to 21,000 lbs. line pull

Up to 675 Feet Per Minute Speed and Faster

Speed of 380 Feet Per Minute and Faster


Braden Winch Parts

Braden Winch Parts

Braden Winch Parts

Upright Planetary Braden Winch Parts

Upright Worm Gear Braden Winch Parts

Low Mount Worm Gear Braden Winch Parts

H and HP Series

AMS, AHS, MS, HS Series


RecoLarge Pull, Smaller Drums, Slower

Recovery Winch, Slower Speed, Small Drums


Speedvered Winch Applications

Less Costly Than Planetary Gear 

Worm Gear Hydraulic Recovery Winch

20,000 to 160,000 lbs. line pull

10,000 to 100,000 lbs. line pull

Less Costly and Slower Speed, Smaller Drums

50 Feet Per Minute and Faster

50 Feet Per Minute and Faster

8,000 to 35,000 lbs. line pull



50 Feet Per Minute and Faster


Braden Winch Parts


BP200B Braden Winch with Levelwind


BP200B Hydraulic Winch


Up to 20,000 lbs. Pull


Up to 2,769 feet of 7/16 Wire


With Level Wind


2 Speed


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