Import & Export Services

For shipments into or out of the United States of America, Pacific Marine & Industrial offers Import & Export services for any shipment.

For shipments outside of the United States please contact a local customs broker for assistance.

Information required for United States Import / Export:

Product Details: Description, dimensions, weight, how packaged, include images if possible

Ship From Location: Full address, contact name, phone number and email address

Ship To Location: Full address, contact name, phone number and email address

Type of Shipment Desired: Ocean or Air Freight

Import & Export Tips:

Know the Following for Your Shipment:

1.  What is the product being shipped:

– Description
– Dimensions
– Weight
– Product Code (Schedule B Number, HS Code, Commodity Code, Etc.)

** Product Code affects import and export fees if any. Your customs broker can assist you.
Be sure to check with the destination party to be sure code is agreed upon.

2.  What are the origin details of the product:

– Full Address
– Contact Name
– Contact Phone and Email

3.  What are the destination details of the product:

– Full Address
– Contact Name
– Contact Phone and Email

4.  What kind of package will the product ship in:

– Crated
– Containerized
– Boxed

5.  How will the product be shipped:

– Ocean Shipment

Full Container
Less than Container (LCL)

– Air Shipment
– Rail Shipment
– Truck Shipment

6.  Shipper and Recipient should both know what company the customs broker for the shipment will be.

– Whether or not you are importing or exporting you will need a local customs broker to assist you with the documentation. (Some countries do not need an export customs broker. The shipping company will provide these services when you book the shipment)

– The customs broker can often help you with the shipping of the product. (at origin or destination)

– The customs broker can help you with the product code and the tax rates and all other fees.

7.  Once the product has shipped the shipping company will release the “Bill of Lading”. You must specify if you want “Original” or “Telex Release / Surrendered” bill of lading:

– With an “Original” bill of lading the Original copy of the bill of lading must be sent by courier to the destination so that it can be submitted to the import customs broker so product can enter the destination country. This method is mandatory in some cases/countries and also useful if the shipper is withholding the bill of lading against payment for the product.

– With a “Telex Release / Surrendered” bill of lading the bill of lading is already released at the destination. The recipient of the product can simply provide an electronic copy of the bill of lading to the customs broker.

8.  Once the product has been cleared by the customs broker at the destination you will need to have product delivered from the port or airport to the desired location. The customs broker will typically be able to help with these services and / or other shipping companies can be used.

Please contact for rates and additional details.

  • Engine Room Equipment
  • Winches & Hoists
  • Marine Furniture
  • Cargo Securing Products
  • Extruded Rubber Marine Fenders

Pacific Marine & Industrial
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555 South 12th Street
Richmond, CA, USA 94804