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Omnipure MSD Sewage Treatment

Aftermarket Spare Parts

12MX  Marine Sewage Treatment Plant

12MX Marine Sanitation Device


Personnel Complement:

Black Water Only


Black and Gray Water



Treatment Ratings (maximum)

Treatment Volume

28390 L/day or 7500 Gal/day

Bod Loading

15.00 kg/day

Average Flow Rate

19.70 L/min or 5.21 Gal/min

Surge Flow Rate (Average x 3)

59.10 L/min or 15.62 Gal/min


Dimensions and Weights


2616 mm or 103 inches


2261 mm or 89 inches


1219 mm or 48 inches

Dry Weight (empty)

1452 kg or 3200 lbs

Operating Weight (full)

3987 kg or 8792 lbs.

V-1 Volume

1476 liters or 390 gallons

V-2 Volume

1170 liters or 309 gallons

Utility Requirements


7.2 KVA


18.9 L/min or 5.0 Gal/min


1.7 cu meter / min at .4 bar


Customer Connections

Inlet Piping

102 mm or 4 inches

Overboard Pump Discharge

19 mm or .75 inches

Vent Lines

51 mm or 2 inches

Ejector/Blower Line


Salt Water Line

19 mm or .75 inch

This Catalog Page Includes:

Marine sewage system, Omnipure Sewage System, Exceltec Sewage System, Omnipure, Omnipure System, Exceltec, Severn Trent De Nora Sewage System, Ship Sewage System, MSD, Exceltec MSD, Omnipure MSD, Severn Trent MSD, Drill Rig Sewage System, Drill Ship Sewage System, Platform Sewage System, Oil Platform Sewage System, Type II MSD,

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