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Industrial Heavy Duty Hose Reel & Cable Reel

Utility Truck Grounding Cable Reel

truck grounding reels utility truck grounding cable reel

Model SGCR 10-17-19

GCR 10-17-19

Spring Rewind

Manual Rewind
Standard Configuration Shown Standard Configuration Shown

• Easy cable pay-out.

• Quick and convenient rewind gets you back in service fast.

• Heavy-duty steel construction stands up to demanding field use.

• Direct access to lube rotary ground device

• Serviceable pawl and pin assembly

• Easy accessible Zerk fittings

• Independently tested to 43 kA for 30 cycles.*

• Bolt-down design.

• Manual or Automatic Spring Rewind available.

• Helps meet OSHA requirements for vehicle grounding.**

• Supplied with or without optional cable & clamp.


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Model SGCR 10-17-19

Spring Rewind Grounding Reel

• Fast, convenient automatic spring rewind.

• A ratchet mechanism locks the reel.

• Built-in cable hoop.

• Internal rotary device.


Model GCR 10-17-19

Manual Rewind Grounding Reel

• Offers manual rewind with a hand crank permanently attached to the disc.

• An internal rotary device.


Model GC 10-17-19

Manual Storage Reel


• Manual rewind with a hand crank permanently attached to the disc.

cable reel utility truck grounding
utility truck grounding cable reel
utility truck grounding cable reel

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