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Navigational Aids to IALA Standards

Navigational Aid Accessories

Navigational Aids Radar Reflectors

Radar Reflectors


A radar reflector is generally installed as an additional device in locations that may also be marked with a light signal;

being one of its main functions the detection of targets at a great distance, thus reducing the risk of collision of a vessel.


We have several models of radar reflector, indicated for use on buoys or fixed structures, and designed to ensure that their signal is displayed strongly on the vessel radar screens. These models project areas ranging from 8m2 to 36m2.


They are manufactured by using eight overlapping spiral trihedrons, producing a strong and persistent echo,

thus covering 360º. Trihedral radar reflector is best suited for applications in floating aids and in situations where there is considerable difference between the height of the radar reflector and the one from vessels passing through the area.


Navigational Aids Radar Reflectors
Navigational Aids Radar Reflectors

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